Thursday, January 15, 2009

CI Update

John recently started wearing his cochlear implant again. Yay.... Problem is it's turned way down, because he hadn't worn it in so long that he couldn't handle the setting it was on. We are slowly working our way back up to where it is suppose to be and we have another appointment set in February and by then we are suppose to have him back to where he was. We are well on our way I've already turned it up once and next week I'm going to try to turn it up just alittle more. Also since I'm talking about his ears, we have an appointment set later in February to have his right ear tested again because we think that he is hearing more out of that ear then we were told that he would.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What's going on??

O.K. as you know my son is PICKY when it comes to eating. Why is it that he's enjoying all types of new foods, and actually willing to try something new if you kind of work with him. He doesn't always keep the new food in his mouth and sometimes it ends up on the floor but at least he's now willing to try. Today he ate 1 1/2 plain cheeseburgers at Mc Donalds. He loved them, and he also tried BBQ sauce, but we're not sure if he really liked it or if he just liked dipping the fries in it and licking them ('cause he wasn't eating those fries) and getting more just to play around.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Yet another new food

John just finished 1/2 a cheeseburger. I'm starting to think that nothing is safe around him anymore. Daddy was sitting across the room eating and John went over to him and got a bite and then another and then another, you see where this is going. Maybe he'll start putting on the weight the way he's been eating everything.

Setting up for bowling here, just wanted to add another picture to his blog.